SFXAA Recreational Sports

SFXAA offers two recreational sports leagues:


  • Recreational soccer is offered in the fall for children in grades preschool through fourth grade. Registration opens during the month of July for players and coaches. Games are played in the months of September through November.                 

For more information, visit: SFXAA Recreational Soccer


  • Little League is offered in the spring for children in grades preschool through fourth grade. Registration  opens during the month of January. Games are played in the months of March through May. 

For more information visit, SFXAA Little League

Code of Conduct

The mission of the St. Francis Xavier Athletic Association (SFXAA) is to enhance every participant’s enjoyment of their recreational sports experience. To better achieve this goal,  we have outlined a Code of Conduct for all parents, coaches, and players involved in SFXAA recreational sports.

This Code of Conduct is a written contract between the parents, players, and coaches to abide by the rules and regulations of the game as well as maintain a cooperative attitude and uphold the ideals of fair play and sportsmanship. Children who wish to play, parents who want their children to play, and coaches who wish to coach are required to agree to and sign this Code of Conduct.

*Players will display good sportsmanship and team play at all times.
*Players will follow the direction of the coaching staff.
*Players will show respect for all opponents, coaches, players, umpires/referees, & spectators.                                                                                                                                  *Players will make every attempt to be on time and ready to play for all games and practices.
*Players will inform coaching staff in a timely manner when unable to attend practice/games.
*Players will abstain from the use of abusive or profane language.
*Players will never taunt or humiliate any other player, on any team.
*Players will respect all SFXAA property.
*Players will never threaten or fight any person while at any SFXAA practice or game, or while in any way representing SFXAA.

*Parents and spectators will support the players, coaches, umpires/referees, and opponents.
*Parents and spectators will conduct themselves in a manner that displays the principles of good sportsmanship and team play.
*Parents and spectators will show respect for all opponents, coaches, players, umpires/referees, and spectators. This includes letting coaches do their job and refraining from any parental coaching from the stands.
*Parents and spectators will inform the coaching staff of any disability or ailment that may affect the safety of their child.
*Parents and spectators will comply with the decisions of league officials and observe all rules, policies, and procedures as established or endorsed by SFXAA.
*Parents and spectators will make arrangements to ensure that the players are punctual in arrival at and departure from all SFXAA events.
*Parents and spectators will never ridicule, demean, threaten, or engage in a confrontation with players, coaches, other spectators, or umpires/referees. They will allow for a full 24-hour cooling period following any incident before discussing it with a coach.

*SFXAA coaches will remain unconditionally supportive of SFXAA’s commitment to the ideals of good sportsmanship, team play, honesty, loyalty, courage, and respect for authority.
*SFXAA coaches will be positive role models, on and off the field.
*SFXAA coaches will display and instill in their players the principles of good sportsmanship and team play and conduct themselves in a manner that best serves the interests of the players, parents, and SFXAA.
*SFXAA coaches will do their best to provide their players with a positive environment and exhibit good sportsmanship at all times, win or lose.
*SFXAA coaches will treat all players, coaches, opponents, umpires/referees, and spectators with respect.
*SFXAA coaches will comply with the decisions of officials and observe all rules, policies, and procedures as established or endorsed by SFXAA.
*SFXAA coaches will complete all Diocese of Phoenix Safe Environment Training prior to the first practice with their teams.